
bet365中文大学 is operated as a residential college—all single undergraduate students under age 22 live in a University residence hall (unless living with an approved family member or Andrews faculty or staff member). 详情请参阅下文的住宿政策.

bet365中文大学是一所本科水平的住宿学院. This means that the residential environment plays a significant role in the mission of 大学 和 its efforts to foster the holistic development of each student.

因此, all single undergraduate students under 22 years of age who are (1) pursuing an on-campus degree 和 taking seven or more credits (including distance learning courses) or (2) enrolled in full-time language study must live in one of 大学 residence halls 和 participate in a meal plan at 大学's cafeteria. Single undergraduate students must be 22 years of age by the first day of a semester in order to be approved to live in the community for that semester.


*Special consideration may be granted for those who are fifth-year seniors (attended four full years—eight fall/spring semesters—at a college/university 已获得120+学分). 学生 who have served one or two registered semesters as a student missionary or taskforce worker through bet365中文大学 or another Adventist 机构 may be granted equivalent academic semesters toward fifth-year senior status (with 15 hours of earned academic credit hours per semester) pending recommendation letters from the site 校园部门 office as well as the site supervisor.

与宿舍生活相关的费用是bet365中文大学教育投资的一部分, 因此,学生生活办公室不会因经济需要而对住宿生活政策做出例外.

宿舍生活的唯一替代方案如下,由校方自行决定 学生生活办公室:

  1. 学生可以全职住在父母家中, 祖父母, 阿姨/叔叔 or sibling age 22+ within a 55-mile radius of 大学 under the terms of an approved 社区住宅申请.
  2. 学生可以全职生活, full-time bet365中文大学 faculty or staff member (generally a 基督复临安息日会 in good 和 regular st和ing) within a 55-mile radius of 大学 under the terms of an approved 社区住宅申请.

A 社区住宅申请 可以在bet365中文网上获得.edu/life/housing. 父, 祖父母, 阿姨/叔叔, 22岁以上或现在的兄弟姐妹, full-time faculty/staff member must sign the application 和 is required to upload a copy of their current Michigan or Indiana driver's license as proof of local residency.

*如果申请与阿姨/叔叔住在一起, a student must submit written documentation from a parent to verify that the 阿姨/叔叔 is the biological sister/brother of 父.

Returning residential students under age 22 who meet the criteria for community living must submit the application for approval prior to the semester of their expected move. 在截止日期之前提交申请并不意味着申请被批准. 负责校园的副院长 & 学生生活 will respond to all applications within two weeks of submission or according to the designated timeline (see below).

预计开学日期 申请的最后期限 反应
秋季学期 7月1日 7月15日
春季学期 11月1日 11月15日


  1. “父母”是指学生的亲生父母或合法的继父母. “祖父母”是学生父母的亲生父母.  “阿姨”或“叔叔”是学生父母的亲生姐妹或兄弟. 虽然大学理解称呼亲密的家庭朋友为“阿姨”的习俗,”“叔叔,”等., 大学, 因为它与住宅生活政策有关, 只尊重血缘关系.
  2. 与年长的学生社区环境保持一致, 22岁以下的学生将不被允许与22岁以上的兄弟姐妹住在大学大楼里.
  3. 有资格获得社区住房, students must be in good 和 regular st和ing 和 evidence a willingness to abide by the expectations of bet365中文大学 at the time of application.
  4. 学生 living in the community or University 公寓 are expected to abide by the st和ards 和 codes of conduct outlined in the "Student H和book."
  5. 根据社区住宅申请的条款, 父, 祖父母, 阿姨/叔叔, sibling age 22+ or faculty/staff member must agree to live on a daily basis in the same household as the student (students must not live in a separate apartment or basement apartment with a different entrance) 和 to notify 学生生活 of any changes of address, 行为问题, 违规行为或任何影响学生福利的担忧.  The host is requried to present their current Michigan or Indiana driver's license as proof of local residencey (address iwthin a 55-mile radius of bet365中文大学).
  6. A sibling age 22+ who will act as the household guardian for a student under the age of 22 will be requested to submit a copy of their signed lease 和 proof of local employment or enrollment in classes 和 may be asked to provide other documentation (such as copy of bills).  哥哥姐姐必须在提交的租赁协议中被列为承租人.  
  7. 一个家长, 祖父母, 阿姨/叔叔, sibling age 22+ or faculty/staff member who owns or rents more than one residence may not divide their time between residences during the school year.
  8. 住在社区的申请必须每学年提出.
  9. 学生 are strongly advised not to make contractual agreements or financial commitments in the community before receiving full approval from 学生生活 for community living. 学生生活不对这些选择或后果负责.  All notifications (approval or otherwise) will be sent on behalf of the assistant to the vice president for 学生生活 to the student’s bet365中文大学 email address. 在收到批准通知之前,学生不应假定获得批准.
  10. 学生 who make false statements to 大学 on a 社区住宅申请 jeopardize their student status 和 ability to reside in the community—additional consequences 和/or fines may apply.
  11. 学生 who wish to request alternate housing arrangements due to a disability or to a chronic health condition should contact the disability services coordinator, Kristine弗雷泽, 学生成功(269-471-3227). 所有住宿申请不得迟于7月1日(秋季学期)提出。, 11月15日(春季学期), 3月15日(夏季学期). 在这些日期之后,住房住宿将根据空间允许或未来学期授予. bet365中文大学 will make every attempt to provide reasonable accommodations within on-campus housing facilities for students with documented disabilities or chronic health conditions.

修订为 2024-2025学年